(First published in 2012, most recently updated 2023)
With the introduction of Phryne Fisher to the television screens, of course my interest in re-reading the books returned. But this time I’d like to read them in order, rather than starting in the middle and hopping around randomly.
Of course Greenwood’s written more than the Phryne Fisher books – there are the Corinna Chapman books (a new one due out soon (with the publisher now, as at April 2018), the Delphic Women books (which I haven’t read), and a number of children’s & YA books.
This woman is prolific! Not only does she work as a solicitor for Legal Aid during the day, she somehow fits in writing a lot of books, most of which require copious amounts of research. Sadly, many of her older books are out of print. Her most recent books include Evan’s Gallipoli (2013), Out of the Black Land (2010), the latest Phryne Fisher novel Murder in Mendelssohn (2013), and Cooking the Books (2011), which is the most recent Corrina Chapman book.
Most of her stand alone books have been for children or young adults, and are listed at the bottom of this page but Out of the Black Land is a little different, to say the least. Set in ancient Egypt, this novel tells the story of Nefertiti and Akhenaten, through the eyes of Mutnodjme, Nefertiti’s sister, and Ptah-hotep, the Great Royal Scribe, who has been promoted from the role of young peasant boy. It is also the gay love story of Ptah-hotep and his friend Kheperren, in a time when there was no taboo on homosexuality. (See my review here.)
Phryne Fisher Novels in Order
Most of these are now available in Kindle editions – with pricing seemingly randomly varying from 99c to about $8.
Phryne is pronounced to rhyme with whiney (Prine – ee, emphasis on the first syllable).
Cocaine Blues (1989) aka Death by Misadventure
- Flying Too High (1990)
- Murder on the Ballarat Train (1991)
(These first three are now available as a single Kindle book) - Death at Victoria Dock (1992)
- The Green Mill Murder (1993)
- Blood And Circuses (1994)
- Ruddy Gore (1995) (Arguably one of the best Phryne Fisher novels – see the reviews on Fishpond)
- Urn Burial (1996)
- Raisins and Almonds (1997)
- Death Before Wicket (1999)
- Away With the Fairies (2001)
- Murder in Montparnasse (2002)
- The Castlemaine Murders (2003)
- Queen of the Flowers (2004)
- Death By Water (2005)
- Murder in the Dark (2006)
- Murder on a Midsummer Night (2008)
- Dead Man’s Chest (2010)
- Unnatural Habits (2012)
- Murder in Mendelssohn (2013)
- Death in Daylesford (2021)
- Murder in Williamstown (2023)
Get the DVDs of Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries, with the inimitable Essie Davis, here: Series 1, Series 2: volume 1, volume 2. 🙂
Also published in 2013 in the Phyrne Fisher series was a “Collectable Treasury” A Question of Death, which includes short stories, recipes and “other miscellany”.
Corinna Chapman Novels in Order
Kerry Greenwood has said she looks nothing at all like Phryne Fisher, given she is not at all tall and has red hair. In fact, she is more like Corrina Chapman.
Unlike the Phryne Fisher books, the Corinna Chapman books are set in contemporary Melbourne. But they provide another set of entertaining mystery books with fascinating characters.
- Earthly Delights (2004)
- Heavenly Pleasures (2005)
- Devil’s Food (2006)
- Trick or Treat (2007)
- Forbidden Fruit (2009)
- Cooking the Books (2011) These are now available in Audio too!
- The Spotted Dog (2019)
Delphic Women Novels
These three novels are now back in print, and also available in Kindle versions.
- Cassandra (for kindle) (1995)
- Electra (1996) (and for kindle)
- Medea (for kindle) (1997)
Young Adult & Children’s Novels:
This first series, which is out of print, is set in post-apocalyptic Victoria. Because they are out of print, and relatively old, it’s hard to find much on them, even on Good Reads, but I did find this review of Whale Road.
- Whale Road (1996)
- The Broken Wheel (1996)
- Cave Rats (1997)
- Feral (1998)
Penny & Benny Series
I’ve nicknamed these three books the Penny & Benny series, because they feature Penelope Thanatopoulos and Benjamin Thorpeare as the main characters. Published in Lothian Book’s Crimewave series, they are rated as suitable for around Age 10 or 12+ (depending who is rating them).
- The Wandering Icon (1992)
- The Three-Pronged Dagger (2002)
- Danger Do Not Enter (2003)
Stormbringer Series (out of print)
This is a another post-apocalyptic YA series with elements of fantasy.
The series reputedly develops more speculative sci-fi elements as it progresses. The first book, The Rat and the Raven, is more straight future + fantasy rather than strictly science fiction.
- The Rat and the Raven (2005)
- Lightning Nest (2006)
- Raven’s Rising (2005)
These are out of print (the links above are to Fishpond, where you can register to get an email when they get them back in stock), but you can get the kindle editions on amazon.
Stand Alone Books

The Childstone Cycle (Goodreads review) (1994) (Age 15+) (I found this second-hand on Amazon)
Quest (1996) (Age – primary school)
Alien Invasions (2000) (with Shannah Jay and Lucy Sussex)
The Long Walk (2004) Set in 1931, this children’s novel tells the story of twelve-year-old Isa and her three younger siblings, as they set out on “the long walk” to find their father, who is away building the Great Ocean Road.
Journey to Eureka (2005) – Set in the mid nineteenth century, this novel follows Llew Jones as he journey’s to Australia to find his mother and uncle, and beyond to the Eureka Stockade. (Age 9+)
Evan’s Gallipoli (2013) The gripping story of fourteen-year-old Evan Warrender, who travels with his father to the Dardenelles during world war one, where they are captured by the Turks. The story, told in diary form, tells of their escape, and journey back through Turkey to Greece and finally home to Australia. “Impeccably researched, this is an eye-opening adventure story that cleverly explores both sides of the war.” Exactly as you’d expect from Ms Greenwood.
Hi Kirsten
what a lovely write-up about Kerry and her fabulous books.
I am the publisher of Clan Destine Press – the Aussie genre fiction publishing house which published Out of the Black Land.
We have also republished Medea (out now); and the other two in the Delphic Women trilogy, Cassandra and Electra, will be out this year.
If you would like review copies of any of Kerry’s books – or indeed any of the Clan Destine Press publications let me know. (eg Dougal’s Diary is great for kids; and cat lovers of all ages.)
You can request specific titles – and/or I can put you on the Reviewers List.
To Kerry Greenwood.
Love all The Phryne Fisher Series and now working my way through Corinna Chapman Series. When are the last 2 books to be made available in I Pod format ( downloadable audio)? I drive long distances in Central QLD and listen to my audio books while driving. Far more interesting than the price of cattle feed on the radio. I dont have much free time to read paperbacks.
Kind Regards
Michele Maslen
Hi Michelle,
You should check out the Corinna Chapman website and perhaps contact the publisher. This website is not actually run by Kerry Greenwood.http://www.allenandunwin.com/minisites/corinna-chapmans-earthly-delights/
The CDs are now available on Fishpond 🙂 Happy listening!
I’ve read through all Kerry’s Phryne Fisher series loved these books, and also her Corrina Chapman series and if possible, love these even more. Discovering Kerry Greenwood was a real find for me and I’m sure many others. She is a treasured gem.
She sure is Helen!
Thanks for the great list. I didn’t realise Kerry Greenwood had written so much beyond the Phryne Fisher books. I can see I have a lot to catch up on!! 🙂
Like I said, prolific! I hope you enjoy some of her other books too 🙂
Hi Kristen, thanks for your list. I discovered Kerry thanks to ABC tv and then interviews on morning and afternoon shows. At the very beginning of your Phryne Fisher’s list you mentioned that most of these books are now available in Kindle edition . What about iPad version. Will be quite obliged if you answer, I’m going away from Melbourne and to have at list some of these books on my iPad would be great
Thank you
You should be able to get a kindle app for iPad Eleanor. To be honest I’m not sure about other ebook types – I should find out!
Thanks for a great list that makes it easy to keep her books in published order.
I started with her Phryne Fisher books and only tried a Corinna Chapman one when I ran out of those, but find I have now become addicted to Corinna instead! I believe there should have been a new one published in 2013 and just wondered what had become of it as I can’t find it listed anywhere.
Thanks, Gail
Hi Gail,
No, I haven’t seen one come out either. I suspect she was too busy working on Evan’s Gallipoli, which was released in April 2013. And, there was a new Phryne Fisher book in 2013, unexpectedly! Hopefully we’ll see a new Corinna Chapman in 2014 🙂
Have there been any new Phyrne or Corinna books since 2013? I keep looking but cannot find any. Have read all of each series and am in desperate need of new ones, as I just adore them both!!!!
No Clare, sorry, not yet! She did have a story come out recently called “Cruel Sister” in this book https://clandestinepress.com.au/content/and-then-it-happened-again. I think she has another novel on the way, but not sure what it is!
Oh, it’s a Corinna Chapman book – with the publisher as we speak…
Hi Kerry, what a great read you create for us all! love both series of course who wouldn’t? You have fashion, food and two great heroines with two series that juxtapose nicely. Love lying is a fragrant bath with one of your good books and a very dry martini, nothing better!
Cheers and looking forward to the next in either series. I think what I love most about the books is the wit you allow your leading ladies, and the fact that they are both so we’ll read and educated.
Thank you
Gina jeffrey