I have written about our experiences with the No Cry Sleep Solution method, so now here is a list of the chapter headings to give you a more detailed idea of what the book covers.
The No Cry Sleep Solution: Gentle Ways to Help Your Baby to Sleep Through the Night by Elizabeth Pantley

First, there’s a foreward by William Sears, in which he says
“At long last I’ve found a book that I can hand to weary parents with the confidence that they can learn to help their baby to sleep through the night – without the baby crying it out.”
This is followed by an introduction by Elizabeth Pantley which explains who the books is for, how to use it, why she recommends against “cry it out” methods, and what experiences of her own (with four children) she brings to the writing of the books. She also outlines her methods for testing the solutions she offers in this book, which involved a test group of sixty mothers whose baby’s were not sleeping. And, she includes the sleep logs of her fourth baby, who inspired the research and the writing of this book, both before, and after she implemented some of the no cry sleep Ssolution methods.
Throughout the book there are quotes from her test-mommy’s, both about their babies (before and after) and about the methods they are trying out.
Part 1: Ten Steps to Helping Your Baby Sleep All Night
- Do a Safety Check
- Learn Basic Sleep Facts
- Create Your Sleep Logs
- Review and Choose Sleep Solutions
- Create Your Personal Sleep Plan
- Follow Your Plan for Ten Days
- Do a Ten-Day Log
- Analyze Your Success
- Follow Your Plan for Ten More Days
- Complete a Log, Analyze Your Success and Revise Your Plan as Necessary Every Ten Days
Part 2: Let’s Talk About You
11. Baby’s Sleeping (Finally!) but Mommy’s Not
12. Final Thoughts: Mom-to-Mom
The final chapter finishes with a section called ‘Patience, Patience and Just a Little More Patience’, which has a message just about every parent needs to hear sometimes (or even often!) and not just when their babies are babies, either.
Take a deep breath and repeat after me, “This too shall pass.” You’re in the middle of it right now, and it’s hard. But in no time all all, your baby will be sleeping, and so will you. And your concerns will turn to the next phase in this magnificent, challenging, and ultimately rewarding experience we call parenthood. I wish you and your family a lifetime of happiness and love.”
You can buy the No Cry Sleep Solution and other No Cry Solution books at Fishpond.